Jenny MacKenzie

Cape Breton

Jenny MacKenzie is a professional highland dancer and Cape Breton step dancer from Mabou. She has toured and performed in musical theatre throughout Canada, the United States and the UK with productions such as DRUM!, Change of Step, Fileanta, and many more. She is co-producer of East Coast Celtic, a Change of Step production, and producer/writer/director of the Gaelic film, Slighe Agnais | A Journey For Agnes, released in 2019. Together with Dawn Beaton she is co-director of A Timeless Art.

Tha Jenny NicCoinnich na dannsair Gàidhealach is dannsair-ceum proifeasanta á Màbu, Ceap Breatainn. Tha i air a bhith air chuairtean air feadh Chanada, nan Stàitean Aonaichte agus an Rioghachd Aonaichte, a’ dannsadh le còmhlain an leithid DRUM!, Change of Step, Fileanta is iomadh fear eile. Tha i na co-riochdaire aig East Coast Celtic (Change of Step) agus na riochdaire, sgrìobhadair agus stiùiriche air an fhiolm Ghàidhlig ‘Slighe Agnais’, a chaidh a chur a-mach ann an 2009. Tha i fhéin is Dawn Pheutan nan stiùirichean air a’ phròiseact dhannsa ‘A Timeless Art’.

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