Cape Breton Chorale

Cape Breton

The internationally-acclaimed Cape Breton Chorale has been thrilling audiences at home in Canada and around the world with its unique style of classical, modern, religious and secular music for 50 years! The mixed adult group has performanced at home and abroad, touring England, Scotland, and the Republic of Ireland, and representing Canada at the International Musical Eisteddfod in Wales. Canadian radio and television audiences have been able to enjoy the music of the Cape Breton Chorale through a number of appearances on various programs, including the CBC Choral Competitions where the Chorale competed as Atlantic finalist. The Chorale has shared the stage with musical stars including Celine Dion and Rita MacNeil, and has performed before numerous visiting dignitaries, including Queen Elizabeth II. It has hosted and sung with visiting choirs from Canada and Europe, participated in workshops with distinguished Canadian choral conductors, and has joined with other Nova Scotia choirs to perform major works. The Cape Breton Chorale has released five albums and demonstrated, through its versatility and repertoire, its well-deserved reputation for excellence.

Festival Performances

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