Rachel Walker & Aaron Jones


Bringing together one of Scotland’s finest Gaelic singers and songwriters with one of the country’s foremost folk singers and accompanists, Rachel Walker and Aaron Jones celebrate songs both from the traditional and contemporary repertoire with a focus on vocal harmony and sensitive arrangements.

Two of Scotland’s most highly regarded performers, Rachel Walker and Aaron Jones bring a wealth of skills, knowledge, musicianship and experience to this exciting new duo. After years of writing, touring and performing with many of traditional music’s finest, Rachel and Aaron have joined forces to create one of the scene’s most exciting new collaborations. Their combined passion for song and the exploration of the wide repertoire across the tradition, blended with beautiful and heartfelt original songs, ensure their audiences will be captivated by their performance.

A’ tarraing air òrain ùra is thraidiseanta, bidh Raonaid Walker agus Aaron Jones a’ dèanamh ciùil a tha an dà chuid brèagha is brìghmhor. Tha Raonaid am measg nan òranaichean Gàidhlig as fheàrr ann an Alba agus tha Aaron Jones cliùiteach mar shàr-sheinneadair agus neach ciùil-taice. Tha an dithis aca air bliadhnaichean a chur seachad a’ sgrìobhadh, a’ siubhal agus a’ seinn còmhla ris na ceòladairean traidiseanta as fheàrr san t-saoghal. Tha iad a-nis a’ toirt còmhla an cuid sgilean, eòlais is leirsinn airson fuaim ùr a chruthachadh, stéidhichte air co-sheinn mheachair mhothachail. Bidh luchd-éisteach air am beò-ghlacadh leis na h-òrain thraidiseanta is ùr-nòsach aig Raonaid is Aaron.

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