Jackie Dunn MacIsaac

Nova Scotia

Jackie Dunn MacIsaac grew up in Lower South River, Antigonish County. She has strong Cape Breton ancestral and musical roots. Since stepping on stage more than 50 years ago, Jackie has performed and instructed across North America and Scotland as a fiddler, pianist, and step dancer. Jackie’s music has been included on radio and television programs, commercial videos, a documentary film, and a movie soundtrack. She released her debut fiddle CD, Dunn to a T, in 1995 and has since recorded with Buddy MacMaster, Kinnon Beaton, Glenn Graham, Brenda Stubbert, Andrea Beaton and Wendy MacIsaac, co-produced a fiddling CD of her grand uncle Dan Hughie MacEachern, and is featured on a Smithsonian Folkways recording as well as many other compilation CDs. Jackie holds a Bachelor of Education degree as well as a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music with first class honours from St. Francis Xavier University and completed her undergraduate thesis on the strong connection between the Cape Breton fiddling style and the Scottish Gaelic language. She is a retired public school music teacher and continues to perform year-round. Jackie will be performing in our opening concert as we pay tribute to the iconic television show, “Up Home Tonight”.

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