Bradley Murphy

Cape Breton

Bradley Murphy is a Gàidhlig singer, fiddler, and multi-instrumental musician born in rural Unama’ki – Cape Breton Island. More recently, he has been breathing new life into traditional Gàidhlig songs: showcasing their relevance and beauty. His most recent release, “beul” is a collection of songs collected at home and also from Scotland. Bradley belongs to a heritage of Gaels who have been living in Mi’kmaw territory as early as 1824. Though the Gàidhlig language has declined as a result of aggressive dissuasion by government, and corporal punishment in schools, we are now experiencing a revival of Indigenous languages around the world, (including Gàidhlig) through immersion education, advocacy and community support. Bradley is a piece of this puzzle, lifting up the songs of his ancestors and bridging the gap between the lands we come from and where we live now.

Tha Bradley MacMhurchaidh na sheinneadair Gàidhlig, na fhìdhlear agus na cheòladair a chuireas gleus air iomadh ionnsramaid. ’S ann á Unama’ki, Ceap Breatainn a tha e far a bheil e air a’ chuid mhath dhe bheatha a chur seachad ag ionnsachadh ciùil bho sheanchaidhean. Tha e air a bheò-ghlacadh leis na seann òrain Ghàidhlig agus ’s ann aige a tha an t-amas a bhith gan toirt beò is a’ sealltainn cho brèagha is buntainneach ’s a tha iad san latha an-diugh.

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